Earn with Drops Bot project $130 daily

Drops Bot is a Telegram bot that is used to track wallet transactions, changes in the price of tokens and so on. Surely some of you, who earn money on cryptocurrency topics, use this bot. So now, this project has launched its Telegram application, with the help of which we will be able to make money. Earlier the project was called EtherDrops, but it was rebranded and now the project is called Drops Bot. The project plans to launch a full-fledged exchange in Telegram, so this project is worth taking part in. 1. Go to the Telegram bot: DropsBot 2. Perform different tasks (logging into the app every day, social networks and so on). 3. Also on the main page we make free bets on the rate of various cryptocurrencies. Bets can be made for 1 hour, 4 hours and 24 hours and in case of winning, you will receive tokens, in case of losing you do not lose anything. 4. At will, invite referrals. You can also familiarize yourself with other cryptobots, most likely the list will expand. We...